he's got a business.
she's got a business.
who runs this business?
prefer not to know.
i've got a gun
and i'm not afraid to use it.
the crazies
are always killing themselves
and each other.
my son
is fascinated by serial killers.
he's got mental illness.
my house is right dead.
these are the killer.
you take our homes.
prefer not to know.
fucking poors.
people die everyday.
y'all chose to live.
we chose
to live till one hundred.
don't blame us.
immoral corrupt modern music.
we understand nature.
nature in the law.
nature in the science.
nature in the books.
hard as my dick
reading ayn rand.
chaos from the poors.
work of the devil.
here be winners.
it's in my dna.
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