if i can't
be your savior,
i'll have
to be your killer.
to love hitler.
dying on all the weird hills.
left is the new right.
up is the new down.
nothingness is the new counter culture.
everyone's a secret loner.
everyone's like me.
all them goody goodys.
punching down
is the new punching up.
give you social skills.
gives you personality.
dying on all the weird hills.
do you believe
in the existence of a naked woman?
i don't believe
in the existence of a naked woman.
in child exploitation.
in discord moderation.
my streamer's got a fireplace.
a digital fireplace.
i love my boss.
i'd love to be a minor slave.
slave to the algorithm.
slave to popular tastes.
who do we exploit today?
dying on all the weird hills.
cheaters know the ropes.
i go where the wind blows.
pedo friend with pedo cash.
this place feels like home.
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