Saturday, February 8, 2025


killing in a dystopian city.
kinda easy.

he who destroys the world first,
winning sucks.

let's consume
and kill.

no one was killed during the making of this virtual reality.
time does not exist in movie world.

she's dating a billionaire now.
do you want to see what the world looks like in the 90s?

i try to be friendly
to the people i'm exploiting
but they bully me.
made me kill them.
forced my hand.
i am no wage slave.

watch everyone grow old. 

they're desperate
but it's not even a peak high.

i didn't crime.
i just human nature'd
why won't they understand?
someone oughta be responsible
for my irresponsibility.

we're going to war.

hitler came to power
by sheer magic.
it had nothing to do with me.

jukebox songs don't exist anymore. 

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